Career Interests, Preferences, and Strengths Inventory (CIPSI)
Product Code : MPS8-14254
Vendor: PRO-ED
Quick and effective strengths-based interest inventory for your students–now in printed forms!
Ages: 5th grade through adult
Reading Level: 3.0
Testing Time: 15-30 minutes
Administration: Individual or group
Used by thousands of students, the Career Interests, Preferences, and Strengths Inventory (CIPSI) is now available in printed forms!
Key features of the CIPSI:
- Interests, preferences, and strengths in one set of surveys
- Early exploration for students in middle school and planning for older students
- Quick, easy, and effective
- Low reading level items
- Computer, iPad, iPhone or any device with internet access.
- Administer to groups using the printable paper version with easy data entry
- interactive Interpretive Report
- 12-month subscription
- CIPSI User Manual discusses the latest approaches to career counseling
- Available in 25 count Inventory Booklet pack with Online access for 25 Students
- Use the convenient printed forms for administration and use online for easy scoring and generating extensive full-color reports.
This excellent career exploration tool for students from 5th grade through high school, and later, identifies personal interests, strengths, general preferences, and favored careers. Through the CIPSI analysis, the student's choices are aligned with the U.S. Department of Education 16 Career Clusters.
Career clusters are groups of occupations and broad industries that share certain features. The 16 Career Clusters are:
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
- Business Management & Administration
- Education & Training
- Finance
- Government & Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Basing career awareness, career exploration, and career planning on the 16 Career Clusters allows students to identify a broad grouping of careers that matches their interests, preferences, and strengths and offers a wide array of educational requirements. Programs of study are increasingly being aligned with the 16 Career Clusters to guide students' high school and college career exploration and planning experiences.
Four Surveys, One Integrated Experience
Help your students examine each of these facets–preferences, interests, strengths, and careers–separately, then in combination, and begin to explore the careers within the clusters aligned with their interests and strengths.
Real-Time, Relevant Occupational Information
After completing each survey, students are shown vivid, on-screen results linking their choices to career descriptions and occupational information for further exploration. Each of the occupations of interest link directly to the O*NET Database. Easy-to-access, thorough information is instantly available to students.
Meaningful Reports
Each completed survey generates personalized, in-depth, printable reports for the individual student. Students also receive a full-color personalized, interactive Interpretive Report.
Group reports are available also. Fifteen ready-to-use, reproducible career exploration and planning lessons are available in the Online Resources.
Student reports include:
- Personal Interests
- Strengths
- General Preferences
- Careers
- CIPSI Summary
- Interpretive Report
Administrator reports include:
- Group Report
- Passwords
- Personalized CIPSI Form–Print
Resources include:
- 10 Exploring Careers Activities
- 5 Planning for Careers Activities
- Resource List for Students and Parents
- Careers List of 20 varied careers with educational requirements and SOC codes for each of the 16 Clusters
CIPSI User Manual
The CIPSI User Manual helps teachers and counselors guide individuals and groups through the process of exploring, investigating, and planning for careers.