Developmental Tasks for Kindergarten Readiness Second Edition (DTKR-II)
Product Code : MPS8-8335
Vendor: PRO-ED
Assessment of Prekindergarten Children to Determine Kindergarten Readiness
Ages: 4-6 through 6-2
Testing Time: 20 to 30 minutes
Administration: Individual
The Developmental Tasks for Kindergarten Readiness- Second Edition (DTKR-II) provides objective data on a child's skills and abilities as they relate to successful performance in kindergarten. It is used for both screening and diagnostic-prescriptive purposes.
The results can be used by school personnel to plan remedial instructional programs and/or to make adjustments in the kindergarten curriculum when the child enters school. Raw scores are converted to standard scores. A composite quotient and factor scores are also available.
The DTKR-II is a restandardized, updated version of the DTKR. New to the second edition are scaled scores (mean of 10, standard deviation of 3) for subtests and three factors, and a composite score with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. The DTKR-II was normed on 2,521 prekindergarten children (1,273 males and 1,248 females).
Reliability was determined using internal consistency, interrater agreement, and test-retest reliability. Test-retest reliability ranges from .82 to .97. The composite score reliability is .93. Predictive validity data are available in the manual. The DTKR-II can be individually administered in about 20 to 30 minutes.
Complete DTKR-II Kit includes: Test Manual, Materials Book (cards), and 25 Test Booklets. (©1994)