Evaluation and Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders: From NICU to Childhood
Product Code : MPS8-11443
Vendor: Vasyli
At last, a succinct yet comprehensive pediatric feeding and swallowing reference! Includes valuable strategies to outline exactly what to do with children who aspirate, have feeding aversion and refusals, behavioral feeding problems and digestive disorders, and how to effectively manage children with cerebral palsy, tracheostomy tubes, autism, cancer, cleft lip and palate, GER, and failure to thrive.
This text covers the entire spectrum of how to meet the needs of infants with varied appetites, formulas, and provides step-by-step methods to improve bottle, breast, cup, spoon, and self-feeding skills. It also includes a bonus medical reference guide, as well as photographs of positioning techniques, use of equipment, and much more. No doubt, you will make practical and regular use of this specialized therapy-guide.
188 pages 8.5 x 11, softcover, spiral 2003
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