Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment Kit for Children Advanced Level
Product Code : MPS8-12689
Vendor: PRO-ED
A proven method for teaching young children how to produce and combine the oral motor movements necessary to speak functionally, and intelligibly, the Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment Kit Advanced Level is a systematic treatment program that trains children to simplify word pronunciation patterns, making it easier for them to communicate.
Utilization of these kits also allows the clinician to introduce more complex phoneme patterns as the child's ability improves, thus maintaining the child's ability to speak at his of her maximum level. The Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment Kit picture stimuli are appropriate to use with children ages 2-6 and can be used with anyone who is having difficulty with articulatory skills in general, with the exception of children with oral-motor weakness or dysarthria.
Both kits explain in a systematic way how to simplify verbal expression making it easier for children to communicate. Utilization of these kits also allows the clinician to introduce more complex phoneme patterns as the child's ability improves, thus keeping the child's ability to speak at his or her maximum level.
The Advanced kit contains targets children who are successful with /p,b,m,t,d,n,h/ but have difficulty with the production, synthesis or sequencing of words with /k,g,s,sh,k,f/ and consonant blends /s,r,l/.
Kit 2 also includes two and three syllable words for the training of word complexity and length factors. This kit contains 277 pictures and complete manual.