Manual of Aphasia and Aphasia Therapy Third Edition E-Book
Product Code : MPS8-13978
Vendor: Vasyli
The third edition of the popular book Manual of Aphasia and Aphasia Therapy is now available. This comprehensive text covers the assessment and treatment of adult aphasia by speech-language pathologists. It is targeted at clinicians working with people with aphasia in acute and post-acute settings. It focuses on the theoretical and research underpinnings and the practical application of a wide range of treatment approaches.
The book is divided into 2 Sections:
- Section I. Foundation of Aphasia and Related Disorders
- Foundations and Descriptions
- Diagnostic Process
- Section II. Systematic Speech-Language Pathology Approaches to the Treatment of Aphasia
- Considerations for Aphasia Treatment
- Impairment Based Therapies
- Non-Impairment-Based Therapies
A major revision, the Manual of Aphasia and Aphasia Therapy, Third Edition includes 10 new chapters with a significant amount of new, up-to-date information:
- Aphasia in Special Populations: Neurodegenerative Syndromes
- Aphasia in Special Populations: Traumatic Brain Injury
- The Assessment of Aphasia Using a Process Approach
- Aphasia Recovery & the Myth of the Aphasia Plateau
- Introduction to Aphasia Therapy
- Treatment of Aphasic Anomia
- Treatment of Agrammatism in Aphasia and the Communicative Effectiveness Profile for Measuring Discourse Skills
- Treatment of Reading Disorders in Aphasia
- Living Well with Aphasia in the Community
- Alternative Approaches to Aphasia Treatment
E-Book Features and Benefits
- Accessible from any device with Internet access
- Search and find using keywords
- Add notes and bookmarks as you read
Includes: 503 page E-Book plus downloadable resources 2014
The Manual of Aphasia and Aphasia Therapy, Third Edition E-Book includes the following downloadable resources:
- Printable forms
- Appendices from the text
- Test of Oral and Limb Apraxia
- An observation rating form, and clinical materials
- Video excerpts demonstrate treatment methods and assessment of individuals with various types of aphasia.
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