Graphic Organizers - COMBO (All 4 Books)
Product Code : MPS8-20238
Vendor: PRO-ED
Four reproducible books include graphic organizers for all subject areas. Use each of these 100-page resources to supplement any existing curriculum with graphic organizers that help students write and organize their thoughts. Teacher notes, including teaching tips and discussion questions, are included for each graphic organizer. Four titles include: Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Sold individually or as a set of four books.
Graphic Organizers: Language Arts
This 100-page text includes 61 reproducible graphic organizers that can be used to supplement any existing curriculum in language arts classes. Teacher notes, including teaching tips and discussion questions, are included for each graphic organizer. Based on National Council of Teachers of English standards, these graphic organizers cover vocabulary, literature, setting, plot, character, the writing process, grammar, mechanics, and applying language arts. Graphic organizers include Venn diagrams, charts, tables, and more. Ten generic graphic organizer templates are also included.
Graphic Organizers: Math
This 100-page text includes 58 reproducible graphic organizers that can be used to supplement any existing curriculum in math classes. Teacher notes, with teaching tips and discussion questions, are included for each graphic organizer. Based on National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards, these graphic organizers cover numbers, operations, measurement, probability, problem solving, algebra, representation, geometry, and more. Graphic organizers include charts, tables, flow charts, Venn diagrams, and more. Sixteen generic graphic organizer templates are also included.
Graphic Organizers: Social Studies
This 100-page text includes 56 reproducible graphic organizers that can be used to supplement any existing curriculum in social studies classes. Teacher notes, with teaching tips and discussion questions, are included for each graphic organizer. Based on National Council for the Social Studies standards, these graphic organizers cover culture, history, civics, geography, economics, and more. Graphic organizers include Venn diagrams, charts, tables, time lines, and more. Eleven generic graphic organizer templates are also included.
Graphic Organizers: Science
This 100-page text features 53 reproducible graphic organizers that can be used to supplement any existing curriculum in science classes. Teacher notes, with teaching tips and discussion questions, are included for each graphic organizer. Based on National Science Teachers Association standards, these graphic organizers cover scientific inquiry, physical science, life science, earth and space science, science and technology, and more. Graphic organizers include Venn diagrams, charts, tables, flow charts, and more. Eight generic graphic organizer templates are also included.