Just for Adults: Yes/No Questions
Product Code : MPS8-31116
Vendor: PRO-ED
Kathryn J. Tomlin Description Ages: 16-AdultGrades: 11-Adult Increase your client's accuracy answering yes/no questions with these activities that target multiple levels of difficulty from short, simple questions to questions...
Kathryn J. Tomlin
Ages: 16-AdultGrades: 11-Adult
Increase your client's accuracy answering yes/no questions with these activities that target multiple levels of difficulty from short, simple questions to questions about paragraphs. These one-page lessons are carefully crafted to accommodate the language needs of clients with neurological disorders.
The question complexity increases gradually to successfully advance comprehension skills. The 430 questions give clients lots of practice opportunities. A screening tool helps you identify the client's use of strategies and reasoning patterns prior to designing therapy sessions.
The range of yes/no question types includes:
- short questions (e.g., Can a chair walk?)
- object questions (e.g., Are boxes used when packing items?)
- topic questions about safety, food, occupations, and more (e.g., Does a waiter change tires for customers?)
- two-item comparisons (e.g., Is a cat older than a kitten?)
- pictures with questions
- before and after questions (e.g., Do you set the alarm after you get up?)
- one- and two-sentence statements with questions
- paragraphs with questions
40-pages 8.5 x 11, softcover 2007